Italy to share

February, ugly weather, no sun, all these things make me think to travel where the climate is mild, to Italy perhaps, if not in reality at least mentally. The Mediterranean climate  attracts crowds of people all over the year. Bel Paese however is appreciated for many other reasons, it is enough to mention the sea, the mountains, the food, the architecture. It is just at the latest I’d like to stop at a while, but to be more specific, not because of the spectacular palaces, cathedrals or churches but inspired by the charm of little towns which have never stopped to please me.

The Italy occupies vast areas and the North, the Center, the South differ significantly among them but the urbanistic system of small towns have its origins in Italian organisation of medieval  comuni which have left it traces till nowadays. In Italy wherever you go, every urbanistic arrangement is concentrated around the square market well known as piazza close to municipio (town hall). Piazza is a heart of a town that gather the citizens and attracts tourists sitting on the tables in front of bars or restaurants. Most of Italian territory is mountainous and it decidedly influence the architectural character of its towns. It is amusing how every elements, in spite of the diversity of the area, fits one with another. The narrow winding streets made of stone steps are perfectly integrated with the houses and adhering to slops.  Passing by the web of viuzze  (very narrow streets) you never know if you are passing by the buildings of thirteenth century of maybe seventeenth, all seems to be so old, ancient. Everywhere your sight brings you to the casual objects left close to the walls way like pots, bicycles and to the humble sticking out balconies decorated with geranium. The dominated tints of buildings are bright: white, pale grey, any shadows of ocra, yellow and rose, sunny pastels that match the Italian sun 😉.

And you? What are yours impressions of Italy? Are there similar or completely different? What would you like to recommend? Happy to know sth from you😊


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